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Film education

Since 2016, we have been providing film education for educational institutions at all levels: from primary and secondary education to vocational education, higher education, and universities.

Why film education?

The new generation is growing up in a time where film is constantly present.
Whether it's at school with tablets or on the go with smartphones, film is everywhere. Digitalization ensures that film is becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. We seem to take the abundance of films for granted.
Unfortunately, there is little focus on the power and beauty of film in schools and higher education institutions, while film uniquely tells us something: through moving images and sound.

At MFilms, we believe that it should now be possible for everyone to not only experience and understand the power of visual stories, but also to create them.

Everyone their own camera!

By 2024, almost all young people have their own smartphone with a built-in camera, allowing them to share their own professional and personal development and experiences in a visual way.

At Mfilms, we encourage this as not only a valuable tool for creative expression but also for developing important skills such as communicating through images, presenting oneself, collaborating, and critical thinking.

Fontyn school


Filming and vlogging

Filming and vlogging is very popular and a great way for young people to present themselves to the world. In our workshop, students will learn how to quickly and easily create a beautiful film or vlog with their own smartphone or our iPads.

Animatievideo - MFilms


Create animation

In the animation workshop, students learn various aspects of the animation process. The specific content may vary based on the students' level, the duration of the workshop, and the materials used.

Workshop filming and vlogging
The workshop is suitable for all grades of secondary and higher education. After a brief explanation by an experienced film teacher, the students work in pairs or small groups to create their own film or vlog. They watch examples and discover what is needed for a good film or vlog that not only looks nice but is also strong in content. Then they film and edit independently on their own smartphone or tablet.
What are the students learning?
  • Students learn how to present themselves in front of the camera
  • They learn smartphone filming and editing techniques
  • They learn film techniques such as framing, composition, camera angles, light, and sound
  • They train their imagination and creativity and discover how fun it can be to create their own content
Workshop Animation

In an Animation workshop, students learn the basic principles of animation, including timing, movement, and character design. They also explore storyboard techniques, work with animation software, and develop skills for frame-by-frame and stop-motion animation. 

The goal of an animation workshop is often not only to develop technical skills but also to stimulate the creativity and expression of the students. It provides an opportunity to tell stories and visually express ideas.

Some atmosphere impressions of our workshops
Workshop filmmaking
ODBS Europe, Enschede
Workshop vlogging
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht
Workshop vlogging
CIOS, Haarlem
Workshop filming and vlogging
The Fountain, Bussum
We have conducted our film education workshops at the following educational institutions:
Secondary education
VO logos
Primary education
Jeugdeducatiefonds logo

On behalf of the Youth Education Fund, MFilms provided workshops on 'making videos with your smartphone through the eyes of a child' at the following schools:
- ODBS Europe, Enschede  
- OBS Villa Kakelbont, Hoogeveen
- SBO De Griffel, Heerlen
- De Schakel, Amsterdam
- De Vijf Sterren, Amsterdam
- BS Manje Fiek, Maastricht

On behalf of the Craft in Focus festival, MFilms provided workshops on 'Filmmaking about craftsmanship mastery' for students of the Gooiland School in Bussum.
Stained glass with a smile
Gooilandschool, Bussum
Frank loves boats
Gooilandschool, Bussum
Key to success
Gooilandschool, Bussum
The Royal Asscher Cut Gooilandschool, Bussum