Teambuilding workshop
Kraft Heinz
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Whole or half day!
During this inspiring workshop 'Filming and vlogging as a team outing', participants experience the complete production process of a film in a whole or half day.
At any location in the Netherlands!
Our professional filming and vlogging workshop as a team outing is suitable for everyone and can take place at almost any location in the Netherlands.
Participants create a film or vlog in groups
Using storytelling principles, they create film stories, learn essential film and editing techniques, and shoot footage with their smartphones.
Not only intellectually engaging but also captivating!
Participants learn not only how to create videos and vlogs that look good, but also how to make them intellectually engaging and captivating to watch.
Premiere party!
We end the teambuilding workshop with a small premiere, where the groups will part as close-knit teams.
Impressions and experiences of participants. Incompany, as part of a team day and in our own Filmatelier Bussum
Teambuilding workshop
Kraft Heinz
Incompany workshop
Nationale Postcode Loterij
IIncompany workshop
Teambuilding workshop
Incompany workshop
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Gemeente Amsterdam
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De Goede Woning
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